Aura Travel Website

Aura Travel Website
Aura Travel Website

vineri, 1 noiembrie 2013

ROMANIA - Always surprising

Romania is a country always surprising. With a history of over 2000 years, with places still breathing air past ages with rich landforms (sea, mountain, delta, plateaus, plains), Romania seems to be the country came from stories that begin with ".. . was once upon a time. "
People in Maramures, Bucovina and Transylvania still preserves the ancient customs and traditions, crafts and love of nature and earth. And if you will knock on their doors, they will be happy to welcome you and will show to you the simplicity and beauty of their lives.
We invite you to discover the amazing ROMANIA!

marți, 8 octombrie 2013


7 zile/6 nopti
 6-12 IANUARIE 2014

6 IAN  Intalnire la ora 09,00 la aeroportul Otopeni cu reprezentantul agentiei, pentru formalitatile de check-in si imbarcare pe cursa EL AL, care va decola la ora 12.00 spre Tel Aviv. Sosire pe aeroportul Ben Gurion la ora locala 14.35.
Incepem pelerinajul cu vizitarea bisericii Sf. Gheorghe de la Lida. Intrare in Ierusalim pe Muntele Eleon – Privire panoramica asupra Cetatii Vechi. Transfer la hotel GRAND PARK in Bethlehem. Cina si cazare.
La ora 22.15 deplasare pe jos (7-10 minute) catre Biserica Nasterii, pentru a participa la slujba de celebrare a nasterii Mantuitorului Iisus Hristos. Intrare pe baza de bilete si pasaport.

7 IAN  Mic dejun. Vizitarea Bisericii ortodoxe a Nasterii - locul unde s-a nascut Mantuitorul Iisus Hristos, a Bisericii catolice Sf. Ecaterina si a Grotei Laptelui. Vizita pe Muntele Sionului, la biserica Adormirii Maicii Domnului si Foişorul "Cina Cea De Tainã", mormântul Marelui Rege David. Vizita la Zidul Plângerii. Deplasare la Ein Karem - patria Sf. Ioan Botezatorul, unde vizitam Biserica Sf. Ioan, fântâna Fecioarei Maria si Biserica Vizitarii - construită pe locul unde Fecioara Maria a vizitat-o pe Elisabeta, mama Sfântului Ioan Botezătorul. Cina si cazare in Bethlehem.

8 IAN  Mic dejun. Deplasare la Hozeva pentru vizitarea Manastirii Sf. Ioan Iacob de la Neamt. Plecam spre Ierusalim si vizitam Muntele Mãslinilor - Mãnãstirea Eleon (ridicata de Sfanta Elena), Biserica Pater Noster” (Tatãl Nostru) si Biserica "Dominus Flavit" (Domnul A Plâns). Apoi, grãdina Getsimani cu Biserica Naţiunilor, Biserica Maicii Domnului si Casa unde a locuit Fecioara Maria in Cetatea Antonia. Cina si cazare in Bethlehem.

9 IAN  Mic dejun. Deplasare la Ierusalim,  apoi parcurgerea pe jos a Viei Dolorosa cu cele 14 locuri in care s-a oprit Isus pe Drumul Crucii, pâna la Sfântul Mormânt. Urcare pe Golgota, Piatra Ungerii si vizitarea tuturor Paracliselor Sfinte. Cina si cazare in Bethlehem.

10 IAN  Mic dejun. Deplasare spre Ierihon si inchinarea la moastele Sf. Ioan Iacob Românul.  Vizitarea Mãnastirii Sf. Gherasim, intrare in orasul Ierihon, vizita la biserica Greco-Ortodoxa unde vom vedea Dudul lui Zacheu, biserica si asezamantul românesc de la Ierihon - Qumran (vechiul centru al esenienilor). Scurtã oprire la Marea Moartã pentru cumparaturi si plimbare. Plecare spre Tiberias. Cina si cazare in Tiberias. 

11 IAN  Mic dejun. Plecam catre Muntele Tabor si vizitam biserica Ortodoxa ridicatã pe locul unde s-a petrecut Schimbarea la Fatã. Apoi ne deplasam la Capernaum, oraş denumit si “Cetatea Domnului". Vizitarea vestitului loc unde a predicat Iisus, apoi Casa Sf. Petru in Tabgha, unde Iisus a sãvârşit minunea inmulţirii pâinilor si a peştilor, Muntele Fericirilor cu vizitarea Bisericii, raul Iordan – Chibutz Yardenit “Locul Botezului”. Optional, Croaziera pe Marea Galileii pe urmele Sf. Apostol Petru, unde se poate servi pranzul, gustand din Pestele Sf. Petru. Cina si cazare in Tiberias.

12 IAN Mic dejun. Plecare catre Nazareth. Vizitarea bisericii ortodoxe Sf. Gavril din Nazareth cu Izvorul Mariei. Vizitã in satul Cana, la Biserica ortodoxa ridicata pe locul casei lui Simion Cananitul, unde Iisus a facut prima minune a transformãrii apei in vin. Plecare spre Haifa, splendid oraş-port la Mediteranã, aflat intr-un mare golf, la poalele muntelui Carmel. Vom privi Templul Cultului Bahai, cu grãdinile construite pe terase suspendate. Vizitarea mãnãstirii Stella Maris (Steaua Mãrii) cu pestera Proorocului Ilie Tezviteanul. Pãrãsim Haifa si ne indreptãm spre aeroportul Ben Gurion, pe drumul care urmeaza coasta Mediteranei. Scurta oprire pentru cumpãrãturi.
Transfer la aeroport, formalitatile de check-in si imbarcare pe cursa EL AL spre Bucuresti. Aterizare pe aeroportul Otopeni la ora 22.35.

 TARIF : (valabil pentru grup de 30 persoane)
695 Euro/persoana in camera dubla

Supliment  60 Euro/persoana (pentru grup intre 20-29 persoane)
Supliment persoana in camera singla: 160 Euro

Servicii incluse :
-                     bilete de de avion Bucuresti – Tel Aviv – Bucuresti, cursa EL – AL
-                     taxe de aeroport
-                     transfer aeroport – hotel – aeroport
-                     4 nopti cazare cu demipensiune la hotel Grand Park Bethlehem 4* superior
-                     2 nopti cazare cu demipensiune la hotel C-Hotel/Golan Tiberias 4*
-                     7 zile transport autocar deluxe
-                     asistenta turistica la sosire
-                     ghid vorbitor limba romana
-                     preot insotitor de grup din partea agentiei.

Nu sunt incluse :
-                    asigurarea medicala (35 lei) si storno (156 lei)
-                     bilet de intrare la slujba Nasterii Domnului de la Biserica Nasterii, in noaptea de 6 ianuarie (10 euro/pers)
-                     excursiile optionale (croaziera pe Marea Galileii si pranz cu peste (30 euro/pers);
-                     bacsisuri: 40 euro/persoană (ghid local si sofer) - se achita in aeroport la plecare

-       Termenul de inscriere este pana la data de 31 octombrie 2013.
-       La inscriere se poate achita un avans de 50%, urmand ca restul sa fie achitat pana la data de  31 octombrie 2013.
-       Tariful este stabilit pentru un numar de 30 persoane.
-       Pentru un grup intre 20-29 persoane, tariful se majoreaza cu 60 Euro/pers.
-       in cazul anularii calatoriei dupa data de 01 noiembrie 2013, penalizarea de anulare este de 100 %. De aceea, agentia recomanda turistilor si incheierea unei asigurari storno la data inscrierii in program (asigurare care acopera costul excursiei in caz de imbolnavire grava, accident sau deces al persoanei  asigurate sau al unei rude apropiate) .
-       Serviciile neincluse se achita la aeroport, la plecarea din Bucuresti.
-       Documente necesare calatoriei: pasaport valabil cu cel putin 6 luni de la data intoarcerii.
Copiii sub 18 ani care calatoresc doar cu unul dintre parinti, trebuie sa prezinte la vama acordul notarial al celuilalt parinte. In cazul in care sunt insotiti de o alta persoana, trebuie sa  prezinte la vama acordul ambilor parinti autentificat la birou notarial, precum si cazierul judiciar al persoanei insotitoare.
-       Orice abatere a turistului de la program, se face pe propria raspundere.
Turistul este obligat sa anunte agentia asupra oricarui incident petrecut in afara granitelor Romaniei.
In cazul refuzului autoritatilor de la punctele de frontiera de a primii turistul pe teritoriul statului respectiv, sau de a-i permite sa paraseasca teritoriul propriu, Agentia de turism nu isi asuma responsabilitatea.
Categoria hotelurilor si a mijloacelor de transport este in conformitate cu normele locale.
-       Deteriorarea sau pierderea bagajului nu este imputabila agentiei de turism, ci companiei aeriene. Solicitarile pentru recuperarea bagajului pierdut si pentru eventualele despagubiri se vor adresa direct companiei aeriene care a efectuat transportul. Compania aeriana poate modifica orarul de zbor.  Agenţia nu este răspunzătoare pentru modificarea orarului de zbor sau pentru întârzieri, acestea fiind în responsabilitatea companiei aeriene şi a autorităţilor aeroportuare. Contravaloarea taxelor de aeroport poate suferi modificari pana la data plecarii.

luni, 16 septembrie 2013

Accommodation in the Prince of Wales properties

 Holiday in the ancient land of Transylvania

Accommodation in the Prince of Wales properties

Transylvanian villages with fortified churches provides a lively cultural landscape of southern Transylvania. These villages are characterized by a pattern of settlement and organization of farms, preserved since the Middle Ages. Localities are dominated by their fortified churches, which illustrate building periods XIII century until the sixteenth century. Once the number of 300, the fortified churches have played a role both religious and military role for more than five centuries. At nearly 150 buildings in the early twenty-first century, the fortified churches in Transylvania form one of the densest system of medieval fortifications in Europe very well kept.

Transylvania’s first authentic heritage accommodation introduces you to the marvels of living history and nature itself. The art historian and ecologist guides who take care of you during the day are backed by discreet and helpful staff at the estate. 

Together with the Prince of Wales properties in Transylvania, the Kálnoky domain offers accommodation and activities in this region and the opportunity to relax in an area hidden deep in the forests at the foot lively Carpathians.
Prince of Wales wants its properties to attract more people to discover the riches of Transylvania and in this way to promote a sustainable development model. Spread in several villages in Transylvania, Count Kálnoky estates are places where values has remained unaffected by the current consumer society. These places are under the spell of centuries old harmony between nature and human community.
Together with the Prince of Wales properties in Transylvania, the Kálnoky domain offers accommodation and activities in this region and the opportunity to relax in an area hidden deep in the forests at the foot lively Carpathians.

Saxon village Deutschweisskirch (Viscri) is where the Prince of Wales has renovated a cottage with three bedrooms, in the eighteenth century. Using the village as a base, you can discover the authentic landscapes dotted with medieval villages Saxon fortified churches built around wonderful.

The Székely village Miklósvár can sit in one of the 11 guest rooms of the house of Count Kálnoky, or even in the mansion currently under renovation. Due to the perfect location of the village, there is the opportunity to participate in a lot of trips and daily activities.

Valley Zălanului
The Prince of Wales has created a hidden hamlet Zălanului Valley of the modern world, it is surrounded by magnificent forests of the Carpathians. You can find here the harmony between nature and people, another way of living.
Most guesthouses date back to the 1800’s, although some of them are much older, as indicated by the presence of medieval shooting embrasures. The buildings have been carefully restored in order to preserve their original Transylvanian charm and character. The guesthouses are situated within spacious gardens, some with storks nesting on nearby rooftops.
The houses are beautifully furnished with antiques in the Transylvanian Szekler and Saxon styles. The bathrooms are luxuriously equipped and decorated. A sauna and a billiard room are also available for the guests to use at Miklósvár. Children are very welcome and the guesthouses are suitable for all ages.

The guestrooms are furnished exclusively with antique Transylvanian furniture, including most of the textiles. All rooms have double beds with specially manufactured mattresses of pure wool and duvet covers. In order to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility, the rooms do not have television or radio; instead, you will find plenty of interesting books on the shelves. Each room has an electric kettle, with tea and coffee provided.

The bathrooms respect western standards of comfort (hairdryers, some with floor heating and softened water, except Viscri), some with bathtubs, others with showers, and have a beauty and charm of their own. All bathrooms are private, most are en-suite (although the old Transylvanian village cottages were conceived without bathrooms). The sauna in Miklósvár has been built by incorporating a vast old bread oven.

Common areas
Every location has areas where guests can meet, read or play games and also have their meals. Impressive drawing- and dining rooms with large fireplaces are to be found at Miklósvár and Zalánpatak. There are arbours with benches and tables in all gardens. The kitchens are also open to guests, and you will often enjoy your breakfast there. Miklósvár also has a billiard room within the lower houses.

Food and drinks
Every location has its own vegetable garden and orchard. Here it grows the rare breed ‘Black Transylvanian Bare Necked’ chicken for eggs and meat. Milk, yoghurt and cheeses come from the village’s cows and sheep, and the honey from local bee-hives. All jams and preserves are prepared in our kitchens. Trout is raised locally. The three-course meals with wine are prepared as of old by the cooks who have been passing down the recipes for generations. There are also vegetarians or special dietary. During tours, lunch is provided at a restaurant or in the form of a picnic (if you are in the countryside).

At Miklósvár the wine cellar, with its massive oak beams, stoves and central fireplace, dates from the 17th century. Local wines in high wooden racks line the walls. Meals are eaten by candlelight. Guests dine together in a scene reminiscent of a page from a 19th century novel.

The villages have little infrastructure, therefore we cannot (and do not wish to) claim technical perfection. There may be an occasional electricity failure; however, these are normally brief and rarely affect the enjoyment of our guests. The village streets remain unpaved and pot-holed, so can become dusty in the sun and muddy after the rain. There can be no denying the rustic charm and original Transylvanian character of the villages, which offers an opportunity to step back in time.

All inclusive programs:


Type of package
Price per person in double/twin room
Single supplement
3 nights package
470 Euro
60 Eur
7 nights package
945 Euro
140 Euro
10 nights package
1245 Euro
200 Euro
14 nights package
1615 Euro
280 Euro

Children discount:
- 0 – 4 years old: free 

- 4-14 years old: 50 %

Services included:
- full board with wine, à la carte dining;

- tours; 
- activities; 
- entrance fees 
- transfer roundtrip from the airport



You will spend the day with the people in Miklósvár, who will welcome you into their homes and introduce you to local activities. You will visit the local bee-keeper, make some of that lovely honey, and of course taste it. For those with a culinary interest, a lady who also lives locally will be happy to show you how to make the traditional Szekler pastry ‘Kürtőskalács’, which will then be served after lunch. See the blacksmith at work and give him a hand in the afternoon and return to the guesthouse with a handful of new skills. In the evening you can sit outside the main guesthouse on happy to show you how to make the traditional Szekler pastry ‘Kürtőskalács’, which will then be served after lunch. See the blacksmith at work and give him a hand in the afternoon and return to the guesthouse with a handful of new skills. In the evening you can sit outside the main guesthouse on a bench and watch the cows come home alone to their respective gates before dinner.


With a horse and cart you will be taken to the higher pastures to meet the shepherds and their flock of sheep. The guide will explain the shepherd’s lifestyle, as well as the methods used to protect their livestock from predators. There might be an opportunity to hear some of their tales about close encounters with bears and wolves, often only slightly exaggerated. You will also see them milking and making cheese. Returning to the lower pastures, we will have a picnic and explore the beautiful wild flower meadows before returning home to Miklósvár.


The eastern Carpathians is the traditional home of the Székely, a people closely related to the Magyars who speak a distinctive Hungarian accent and cherish a special historical identity. During this excursion you will meet a family of woodcarvers and furniture painters who have been handing down their profession from father to son since the 1500s (oldest in Europe), see the totem poles in Füle’s graveyard, and visit a church in Bibarcfalva with historic frescoes and sample natural mineral water. In the afternoon, you will visit a Unitarian fortified church in Nagyajta, before returning to Miklósvár to see the Kálnoky Family Chapel and Crypt. Finally you will be taken to the Hunting Manor, where you will see the restoration work that is taking place.


Viscri is one of the most impressive of the Transylvanian old Saxon villages and is on UNESCO’s World Heritage List. The fortified church on top of the hill dates back to 1230, the fortified walls were added in 1525 and an assortment of towers in the 15th, 17th and 18th centuries. The village was saved from destruction with the help of international charities including the Mihai Eminescu Trust with the support of the Prince of Wales, who happens to own a house in the village. There is also the opportunity to walk through wild flower meadows after lunch and visit other villages nearby


Today, you will explore the beautiful landscape of Transylvania in the company of our wildlife guide. This nature tour is not set in stone and the guide will discuss your particular interests. You may, for example, be taken by 4x4 through the spectacular Ajta Valley, where you will cross the river more than ten times! Before having a picnic at the banks of the Ajta stream (with opportunities for swimming), you will be able to go for a short hike up the side of the valley where wild flower meadows and a panoramic view await you. After the picnic, we will then continue our journey through the valley. On the other side, we will drive through breathtaking scenery before returning to Miklósvár.


Bram Stoker immortalised Transylvania in his book ‘Dracula’, but he never actually visited the region. Castle Bran, which has become synonymous with Count Dracula, towers dramatically on a crag overlooking the village. Our culture guide will help you to sort fact from fiction. There is also a reconstructed village nearby with traditional barns and houses, which provides an insight into rural life in medieval Transylvania. After Bran, we will visit Râsnov, where a ruined fort founded around 1225 by the Teutonic Knights, sits high amongst fir-clad forests, commanding a spectacular view of the surrounding mountains.


This bird walk around Miklósvár is more of an excuse for your host (Tibor Kalnoky) to know you and spend some time together (in the rare cases he isn’t available, another activity or guide will be offered).


This walk will lead you to famous fossil sites rich in Ammonites, Belemnites and different molluscs as well as beautiful countryside, secluded forests and panoramic views. You will start from Ürmös, the village situated opposite Miklósvár, on the other side of the River Olt. Here you can observe the Saxon influence on local Transylvanian architecture. At the edge of the village there is a famous fossil site in cretacic sandy marls rich in shells and ammonites. Next, you will walk through hay meadows until you reach well-preserved woodland pastures with mature oak trees. The total length of the trip is around 20 km, but it can be shortened depending on your fitness level. This nature tour is again not set in stone and the guide will discuss your walking preferences and particular interests.


After breakfast, we will drive through spectacular mountainous scenery to reach the summit of Mount Csomad. Here you will discover St. Ann’s lake, the only intact volcanic lake in Europe. A small chapel is situated close to the lake. Our culture guide will explain the legend of St. Ann and its association with the lake. You will also enjoy a picnic at the lakeside. The rare Tinovul Mohus peat bog can also be found at this site(situated in a secondary crater, with glacial relics such as Drosera insectivorous plants). A local guide will accompany you to explain the unique flora and fauna which is found in the area during your walk. There is also the possibility to visit the remarkable sulphur caves, which provide an unforgettable sensory experience.


In the company of our cultural guide, you will visit Sighisoara and learn about the history of the Saxons in Transylvania. Sighisoara is one of the seven major Saxon towns dating back to the 13th century and is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is also the alleged birthplace of Vlad Tepes, “The Impaler”. The old town or citadel dominates the newer quarters from a rocky massif. During this tour you will visit the Citadel, the Clock Tower, the Monastery Church, some of the fourteen Guild Towers, and climb the Scholar’s Stairs to reach the newly restored Church on the Hill and the atmospheric Saxon cemetery. Lunch will be served at a local restaurant in the cobbled town square.